Many orthodox health authorities believe that vaccination is the most successful public health intervention ever undertaken, and it is true that many thousands of lives have been saved by vaccination. It is also true that definitive studies of the long-term safety of vaccination either have never been undertaken or if they have, they have never been published. This means that the number of lives lost and long-term chronic illness caused as a result of vaccination has never been properly quantified.
Currently there are only two disease-specific methods of immunisation which have undergone published scientific research – vaccination and homeopathic immunisation, the correct term Homoeoprophylaxis (HP).
Despite over 200 years of clinical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of many successful homeopathic immunisation interventions against deadly outbreaks in different countries around the world it has sadly not yet been accepted by mainstream medical doctors in Australia.
However although some countries, such as our own, may not accept HP as an effective option for mass immunisation in many countries it is becoming increasingly popular and utilised in the millions, providing not only whole communities a greater chance of staying disease free but also creating a large amount of rigorous scientific research demonstrating HP's safety and effectiveness.
Talking to mainstream doctors can be quite disempowering and many parents feel pressured and often bullied by certain doctors, even being called irresponsible parents just for inquiring into the possibility of using a different immunisation option. However persuading patients through fear based stories and self formulated opinions is not our role as health care providers.
It is our job to honestly and caringly inform patients on the different options they have and the latest research available whilst providing support and expert guidance with their decision. I have many patients who choose to vaccinate their children and I have never tried to persuade them otherwise, because at the end of the day it is their child and their decision as they are the only one who will be left with the responsibility of their decision, not myself or the doctor.
There is no point taking a medicine that seems to be effective for a particular condition but that causes such a long list of unwanted side effects that you end up being worse off than you started, or similarly, if something shows to be effective in the research trials but then does not seem to offer that same effectiveness on patients suffering real conditions.
With the power of knowledge that the internet provides, parents and individuals can now educate themselves on the latest research available rather than just relying on someone’s opinion. One thing I tell all my patients who are thinking to use HP as their chosen immunisation option the most important thing is that you are confident in your decision as you are the only one responsible for your child and many will not share your opinion, so confidence and knowledge in HP is a must.
Equip yourself with the latest research on HP from Dr Isaac Golden here.
"No parent can do better than seek out objective information based on appropriate research and analysis, and make an informed and considered decision."
- Dr Isaac Golden
"No parent can do better than seek out objective information based on appropriate research and analysis, and make an informed and considered decision."
- Dr Isaac Golden
I love this quote by my father as it really sums up all that a responsible parent can do regarding the topic of immunisation; research, educate yourself of the latest information and expert opinions and then make a decision which feels best for you and your family.
I have spent many years working with and offering support and guidance to parents, who for various reasons, do not feel comfortable with the current vaccination schedule offered to their newborns. By the time I speak to most parents they already have a vast knowledge of the pro's and con's of vaccination so it is only my job to better informed on the process of HP and let them decided what they feel is right for them.
Unlike the current allopathic approach to immunisation being; you either vaccinate or be irresponsible, bad parents, thankfully HP is not so black and white. There are many options that parents have including using both HP and vaccinations together or one after the other, I currently have several parents who have chosen to use the more natural thus safer HP method on their newborns and then introduce vaccines once the children are older and have stronger immune systems.
So like many health options there is no right or wrong answer it is what your personal preference is, if you prefer to follow mainstream medicine then you will adhere to the current vaccine schedule, If you feel more confident in taking a more natural approach to health then you can follow the homeopathic immunisation schedule, and if you are unsure then you wait and continue to research until you find what best suits you.